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DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by ophion1031 January 11th 2016, 10:55 pm

Gian J. Quasar aka "The Quester" has been researching the Zodiac case for a long time and has some really interesting views on the case. In a recent blog, Quasar brings up an interesting topic I have never seen discussed before...

Could there be Zodiac DNA on David Faraday's shirt? I personally do not think that Zodiac licked any stamps or left a bloody print on Stine's cab. Therefore, I do not think there is any REAL Zodiac DNA on file. Maybe his "partner" who wrote the letters is the one who licked the stamps?

Check out this link to see what Quasar has to say about potential Zodiac DNA on Faraday's shirt...

Also be sure to check out Quasar's main website:

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by MandaSkunk March 7th 2016, 10:37 pm

You would think this would be a hot topic of discussion if true. This is the first I have heard of it so I doubt it.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by ophion1031 March 12th 2016, 11:09 pm

If it were proven that there actually WAS some Zodiac DNA on his shirt, then that would be a huge deal. But I can't see that happening. I wonder if his shirt is still in police evidence.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by Rocketman March 23rd 2016, 1:35 pm

I bet they still have his stuff stired in evidence but I don't think they will ever test it.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by sandy betts March 26th 2016, 10:57 pm

MandaSkunk wrote:You would think this would be a hot topic of discussion if true. This is the first I have heard of it so I doubt it.

There are a lot of theory's out there. The idea that David fought the shooter is not something I would have thought. Look at the out line of his body , it is very close to the car, as if he was standing with his hands up on the car. Perhaps they were told that it was going to be a hold up, so David took his ring off and held it with his forefinger and thumb. ( That is were it was)
As soon as David was shot, Betty Lou ran for her life. Zodiac told Bryan and Cecelia he was going to rob them, but we know that didn't happen, he could have used the same ploy to control David and Betty. By doing that , it gave him time to wait until the cars were gone?
saw that someone named Quarser or something like that, I am sorry but its late and I am too tired to go check the spelling. He stated that David went to a musical that night ???? Wrong, that is not where David went. They were supposed to go there , but they went to one of their friends homes instead, before going to Lake Herman rd.
To avoid misinformation, please read the police reports.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by sandy betts March 26th 2016, 11:07 pm

They don't throw evidence away while it is unsolved, but it has been known to get lost. Most of the crime scene photos I have seen from back in the 60's, they didn't wear gloves, so it is probably contaminated. I think that there is a better chance that Zodiac touched Cecelia's dress than him touching David's shirt.
According to DOJ, I was told that the only murder they know for sure Zodiac did, was Paul Stine. There has to be DNA on that shirt, because he had to touch it to tare it.
I asked that the gloves be tested.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by ophion1031 March 27th 2016, 12:30 am

It's unfortunate that probably all of the evidence in each murder has been contaminated. I'm not sure about David trying to fight off Zodiac, but I think I read something about him maybe having some cuts or bruises as if he'd been in a fight. I might be wrong about that. Like you said, it's late!

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by sandy betts March 27th 2016, 11:20 pm

ophion1031 wrote:It's unfortunate that probably all of the evidence in each murder has been contaminated. I'm not sure about David trying to fight off Zodiac, but I think I read something about him maybe having some cuts or bruises as if he'd been in a fight. I might be wrong about that. Like you said, it's late!

You could be thinking about the Santa Barbara Domingo's , Edwards case ?
The police there saw evidence that the boy had wounds, indicating a fight.

There wasn't anything to indicate David fought. I think it was another Z blitz attack!
That Z told them he was only going to rob them then shot David and then Betty Lou.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by ophion1031 March 27th 2016, 11:37 pm

Yeah, I remember reading that it's probable that Domingo tried to put up a fight, but I thought I read that David may have tried as well, but he was a pretty small kid so I doubt he would have been very successful anyways.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by sandy betts March 28th 2016, 10:07 am

ophion1031 wrote:Yeah, I remember reading that it's probable that Domingo tried to put up a fight, but I thought I read that David may have tried as well, but he was a pretty small kid so I doubt he would have been very successful anyways.

The drawing shows that he was standing next to the car facing it, I believe that Zodiac or who ever shot him, lied to them by saying he was only going to rob them and to put their hands up on the car. Like I said in another post he was stalling for the traffic to subside. Most of that traffic was people going to and leaving Syar . It was during a shift change that the shooting to place.

He could have pretended to be a cop ? I think that Zodiac used some sort of a ruse. As he did at Lake B. I also believe that there was more than one person possibly involved in that crime? Could that be the killing that Darlene saw and not in the Virgin Islands ? That alone could have gotten her killed.
If it was actually a 38 bullet hole above the door frame? (Most shooters don't use two guns in one crime)
I also think that when Betty Lou ran, she was running to the other side of the shooters car for protection. I believe that when Zodiac is caught , people will be very surprised at how small he really was. All of the witnesses except Hartnell described a short stocky man. The hood at lake B., made him appear to be taller than he really was. The loose clothes made him look heavy . The foot prints is what made LE think he was huge , like Art Allen. I believe he did have a limp, that was more pronounced when he stood up from kneeling over his victims while stabbing them. And because of that the foot prints were deeper. He couldn't loose all that weight two weeks later at the Stine sighting ! I wonder why I am the only one who thinks about that description not matching Lake B. ?

sandy betts

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by JohnFester March 29th 2016, 1:26 am

This site talks about the possibility of David putting up a fight or at least attempting to

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by sandy betts March 29th 2016, 9:51 am

That was a" formulated theory" and never substantiated. The lump on his right cheek more than likely was caused by the bullet which didn't exit from the entry wound near his left ear. Or as Zodiac had done two years before to Cheri Jo Bates, he kicked her in the head after he stabbed her. Maybe he kicked David's head as well ?
For David to still be holding onto his class ring the way that he did, shows me that it was a blitz attack. Powder burns happen when the gun is next to the skin not a few feet away , which would have been the case if he was shot exiting the car. The body would have been in a totally different position, if he was shot getting out of the passenger seat .
The person that wrote the article for that site was giving his rendition of the crime scene. He did include some of the facts from either the Zkiller site, or police reports.
The chalk outline of David's body shows that he was standing facing the car when he was shot, not exiting the car. That crime scene picture tells the true story, not what someone thinks happened. Any sort of struggle would have shown the gravel disturbed, I am sure that the detectives would have noticed that, like they did in the Riverside case.

sandy betts

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by JohnFester March 29th 2016, 8:11 pm

I don't think he tried to fight but but the theory is out there so I thought I would post that link just because. I agree the lump on his cheek probably was from the bullet wound.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by sandy betts March 29th 2016, 8:31 pm

I know, it is sad that all of the theory's muddy up the case.
It has to be hard for the parents to read some of this stuff that is out there. I remember that case very well when it happened, because I worked in Vallejo at that time and lived in Napa. It was first thought to be a drug deal gone bad.
I think that is what was thought for a long time, until Zodiac said he was the shooter.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by JohnFester March 30th 2016, 11:58 pm

The Faraday/Jensen murders were thought to be a drug deal gone bad?

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by sandy betts March 31st 2016, 9:08 am

Yes indeed, that was said from very beginning. It may have been in the newspaper , not sure ? Or Det George Bowart told me. George was Buzz Gordon's partner, I dated Buzz.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by Hustling01 March 3rd 2017, 4:56 pm

I cant believe they wont test it theres no harm in doing so. Wonder how much it costs maybe people can have a whip around to pay for it?


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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by sandy betts March 4th 2017, 9:54 am

My guess is that that DNA ( if there is any?) would be touch DNA? They don't think that touch DNA is very reliable, because t could be from many sources even the people who made the shirt. Unless something like saliva from the perp was found on the shirt then that would be helpful. I am not an expert, this is only what I have learned on watching Forensic Files on TV LOL.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by ophion1031 March 14th 2017, 8:37 pm

JohnFester wrote:The Faraday/Jensen murders were thought to be a drug deal gone bad?

Not exactly... It is said that Faraday found about about some major drug deal that was gonna go down and he didn't keep his mouth shut about it. He went around telling everyone what he knew and naming names. Is this true? I have no idea, but that is what has been said.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by sandy betts March 14th 2017, 9:07 pm

We are talking about two different incidents in the case. The police thought at first that the shooting was a drug deal that went bad.
And yes David did question a drug dealer at the restaurant. The police didn't know about David and the conversation he had with the dealer at the time of the murder.That was just what they thought in the first few days after the murders. It was a total assumption. Then when they did their investigation, they learned that the teens were both innocent of any drug dealing.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by Sick E. Von Brutal March 14th 2017, 11:11 pm

why would they assume David was killed over a drug deal though? I don't get that. maybe nobody knows. he doesn't seem to me like a kid who would have been mixed up in drugs.
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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by sandy betts March 15th 2017, 2:00 pm

When they are looking at a person who is dead for no apparent reason, that is a first guess. I know that is what they thought , because that was the rumor I heard when I was working in Vallejo and dating a cop. It was after they investigated both of them, that they knew they weren't into drugs.
Remember the 60's were a time that many people were trying various drugs. I had very few friends that didn't do them. I didn't, because I wasn't interested in feeling different. I was pretty happy with my life, didn't drink or do drugs.I am so glad that I didn't , because my mind is still pretty sharp for my age.I have friends who can't remember what they did yesterday!

sandy betts

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

Post by ophion1031 March 18th 2017, 11:28 pm

The bay area was huge for drug use back then, also. I think it was probably common practice for law enforcement to at least look into drugs for most crimes until they can rule that out.

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DNA left on Faraday's shirt? Empty Re: DNA left on Faraday's shirt?

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