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The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by Calstock April 22nd 2017, 11:03 am

The Zodiac 340 "Johnson Solution"
Suggested resources to follow this solution:

  • A copy of the Zodiac's 340 Cipher

  • A copy of the Zodiac's Halloween Card 

  • The use of Oranchak's excellent cipher "webtoy" - LINK

Where to start?

Firstly I will say straight away, this post will not provide a "complete" solution to the 340 cipher. It does however, (if I'm right), tell you exactly how the 340 is to be cracked and provides you with part of my solution so far derived from this approach. The parts I'm not providing at the time of writing are only elements that I am not yet settled on, along with quite a few clues I have noticed within the cipher that I don't have time to present in this first submission. I'm hoping that readers will find this solution convincing and begin the search for further clues and answers their selves. If they do, they will hopefully find the numerous items I'm yet to list, and it's my biggest hope that they help to find the definitive solution to this near 50 year old cipher puzzle.

Is this all my own work ? Unfortunately yes. I say that because I've been trying for several months to elicit help from various forums / members, to no avail. The aim was to work through this cipher and present the definitive version I referred to. Instead I'm forced to present the cipher solution at a stage where there may well be errors. Only when com
plete, will that be known and I'll hold my hands up to any mistakes I've made so far.

The cipher

Many familiar with the Zodiac case will know of the so called "340 Cipher" the Zodiac sent to local press in November 1969 & the subsequent "Halloween Card" letter he sent in October 1970. I think it's universally accepted the Halloweeen card represented a clue to how the 340 was to be solved. If you're in doubt, hopefully I can convince you that it certainly was sent for that reason, (or at least in part).

I think it's also fair to say that many people don't consider the 340 to be a straight forward substitution cipher, like the Zodiac sent in the form of his "408 Cipher" in July 1969. For one thing the Zodiac says himself, "Sorry no cipher" in the Halloween Card, but more importanly, I think the concensus is the cipher would have been cracked decades ago if it were a cipher of that nature.

The "Johnson Solution" I'm presenting will indeed show you that although the cipher is not set out in a format similar to the 408, it is indeed a substitution cipher, (although I'm no expert and others will have to confirm exactly what it should be called), and that its complexity lies within the multiple levels you need to progress through to reach the solution.


The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 6d1e4619d2e54bb18c26f8d0c7b9549c_r

=The First Step - Study The Halloween Card

Set out in the image below are some of the clues I identified, clues that guided me to the solution I'm presenting.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 40b90f633bf74af99d27ef1be55d8760_r

The key elements here that we need at the start of the journey are Layout shown in the "Paradice / Slaves", which indicates the way in which the 340 needs to be divided and the prescence of the "nine eyes", which I took to be a key clue. The 340 is made up of 17 columns wide and 20 rows deep, I considered that if you formed a 9 x 9 box of cipher symbols, you would automatically end up with a 1 x symbol wide central column, representing the PARADICE column in the Halloween card. 

In further confirmation before we divide up the cipher grid, you will notice the presence of what can easily be considered number 9's in the cipher text. They may well be backward P's as well, but for my part I see them as a confirmation of the 9 x 9 boxes I've been describing. In fact you will notice in two instances, the symbols are used to spell out 9 x 9 !

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution D0047b6513324bd790eacd95f9df316c_r

Indeed, if you follow this approach, (with a bit of judgement as to how to set the 9 x 9 boxes vertically on the cipher grid), you will end up with the following layout:

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 7d6a8ae483be4d2c9d87d44025004c2d_r

What to do next?

Like many things I may be setting out within 
this post, I don't have time to explain each step in complete detail, but suffice to say my next approach was how to select parts of the divided up cipher for "decoding". An approach that first came to mind was to select cipher symbols indicated in rows and columns, following what seemed to me to be very obvious "pointers" in the form of the "V" symbols, (used horizontally and vertically within the 340 cipher). These seemed like contenders for directional arrows although they have one distinct prroblem - The Halloween Card seems to be strongly indicating a diagonal approach to our solution, (look back at it as I don't want to repeat the image).

Shown on the image below are the very obvious up / down & left / right V symbols in the upper left grid panel and the not so obvious diagonal equivalents in the form of L cipher symbols, shown in yellow in the right hand grid panel. It's my belief that it's the diagonal direction ponters that we need to use and although the other pointers may have a secondary purporse, i haven't found it yet.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 8d6555a2f7974dafaa2ddcce8754eb6d_r

Developing This Further

I wonder if some reader will see exactly where this is going by now ...... A WORDSEARCH !

If you work thorough the thirteen, ( YES thirteen!), diagonal directional pointers and select the text using the 9 x 9 boxes as limiters to the extent at which text should be selected, (which by the way is why the grid needed dividing up in the first place - as all lines of cipher symbols would end up being defined by their 340 grid / wall-wall dimensions), then you will end up with the following.....

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution B841132448654e09b8b542cd1d936e09_r

You will notice that we have ended up with thirteeen wordsearch selections, twelve of which I've highlighted in red, the thirteenth I've highlighted in yellow as it's the only one that originates from outside a 9 x grid panel and one that I think may have a special significance.

So there you see the relevance of the thirteen eyes  in the Halloween Card - indicating the thirteen wordsearches. You may also note, (as shown in the image below), the word BOO ! in the Halloween Card forms part of one of our diagonal selections and finally, can you see how the "void space" formed within the 340 grid bears a strong resemblence to the pose of the skeleton on the card ? In fact I think that particular point is best noted without the scruffy red scribbles I've added to the image. 

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 89289c66490c46839d849b83b7d68622_r

How To Start Solving The Wordsearches ?

One absolutely crucial point you need to understand at this point is there is in my opinion, no "void space" or "fillers" within the 340 - every symbol has meaning and function. The wordsearch approach we're taking is simply a method provided to start to crack open the cipher and there will undoubtedly be many messages to find within the whole of the remaining grid.

I will start with something really easy !

I only wish it were so !

We're at one of those points where I said i can't explain every detail, but take it from me, either all or part of the 340 has a "spy theme" on its first level of decryption.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 06cf8ac275be4c3798f8446a673bc10f_r

The "clues" attached to the diagonal wodsearch selection I've selected in the above image, are an indication of the word to be found. In fact this is the exact process to be applied to all following wordsearch puzzles in the 340 cipher.

The clues I've found for this particular word were Rub, Really, easy, fool and "book 9". These and many more, (possibly all), of the wordsearches relate to spy films and novels. in particular to Ian Fleming's James Bond series, (although I have found exceptions). It's interesting to note that one key clue the Halloween Card gave us was "4-Teen". This may well relate to a hidden fourteenth clue as I've mentioned, but there also happens to be exactly fourteen Bond novels ! The "book 9" clue I've found relates to the Novel book, "Thunderball".

If you look at the excerpt below, from the very first paragarph of the novel, (available here ) - all bond books are available free online by the way, you will notice the clues actually refer to a game of Rubber Bridge that Bond was playing, (badly)! So the answer I believe to our first clue is...


The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 1454ba552d9f411ebec9b2b89798adaa_r


Key notes to remember here are that like many novel / film productions, the novel is often very different from the film. Bond movies are no exception and you will find character changes, plot changes, almost to a point beyond recognition between the two. So if you're going to look for clues yourself, bear in mind the fact that you may well have to check both film and book to find the answer you're looking for.

Secondly, as we progress, I hope you will notice that the answers we find will fit the wordsearch spaces, but the cipher symbols won't correlate. Don't let that bother you at this point, because we're merely at stage one of the decoding and all our words are merely a clue to the next stage, (I told you this wasn't easy)!

The second wordsearch answer

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 1ef098ffb1ec4d8bb208df1de64b844a_r

In our second wordsearch selection, we find the clues Doctor, No & Cool. Firstly, the actor who played Dr No was Joseph Wiseman and it's my suggestion that "Wiseman" is the answer to the clues. I said there were exceptions to the spy / Bond theme to these searches and I believe one such departure is the Film Maker Frederick Wiseman. Looking for clues I could see the "FK"  symbols at the bottom of this particular worsearch and this lead me to our second Wiseman", (the reason for which will be apparent later).

You will notice on the image below, what I believe the clue "Cool" relates to - "The Cool World" documentary made by F. Wiseman. I do wonder by the way if the words, "Rumble", Fuzz" & "Junk" have any connection to this case !

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 631cb687de8944499dac03f95d2cf9a8_r

So there we have our second answer - WISEMAN

And thirdly...

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 0291fd8beb564871adeaf19f8921bed0_r

Our third clue in this cluster we'll tackle, gives us the clues, Great Britain, Special Effects, Cow & Book 9.  I also forgot to add Ox to that mix. This leads us to who did the special effects on Thinderball ? John Stears.

I presume you can all see the cow / ox... steer connection? .... or "Stears" in our case.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Bf871ea6270c4c8c89c80d26d5db29f5_r

So there's our third answer - STEARS

Where Now ?

Well I have other answers / possible answers and a whole bunch of other clues & pointers, but this initial post is going to be too long if I go further on this track and I don't want to provide answers that end up being wrong. Therefore the next point I'm going to take you to is directly to stage 2 of this decoding procedure.....

If you think things have been tricky so far, they're going to get more difficult and you're going to need to take an even bigger leap of faith in what I am presenting to you as ...........


It's my contention that the clues within the 340 cipher and some of the Zodiac's other correspondence lead us to one thing; the name "Johnson". What significance this has will be open to debate, but remember also of significance may be the forms, Jonsson, Johanson, John & Jon.

Before we start, what other clues do I refer to ?

  • Did you know the Zodiac Schooner yacht used in San Francisco by the Harbour Authorities was mad by / for the Johnson + Johnson family ? This may well have been the route of the Zodiac's chosen name all along, (rather than the Zodiac watch many believe it to be).

  • Many have wondered about the link between The Mikado, (featured in some of his correspondence), and the Zodiac. Did you know the Mikado is a range made by the Johnson Bros. ceramics co.? (search for Johnson + ceramics + Mikado in Google, select images and view tons of the stuff ) ! 

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 872ce1324ddf44768427082eba79c964_r

  • I even wonder whether the Zodiac's "Eureka" letter showing a snowman and a pair of keys, sent in 1990, was a reference of all things to "Ulrika Jonsson" and her co-presenter, "Richard Keys" on a show where she worked as a weather girl ! A bit left- field that one and you'll have to check it out for yourself as I haven't got time in this post to elaborate. Remember though if so, the Zodiac would have to have been watching either British or Swedish TV at the time ???

Johnson Step 1

Firstly I am highlighting the clues within the 340, linked to our three answers so far derived as Lyndon B. Johnson, Ohio, the "John" in John Stears and lastly, what I've long though to be a symbol for the Zodiac himself / their selves in the form of the back-toback J's. These appear in the 340 cipher in two forms; one with a "left eye" and one with a "right eye". I believe this could well indicate a son / father relevance to this case, a brother / brother relationship or some other combination. It could also end up being the duality of the Zodiac's own persona. It's interesting to note as well that this symbol appears, (in my belief), in a simplified form as an "Aries" symbol in the 408 cipher, "Bus Bomb" cipher and the "My name is " cipher.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 8f6ed2373aba4009bf4834bd72fa7f57_r
The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 00b786a448eb464793379fde4ad961d7_r
I believe once combined, the initial "James Bond" clues, and the secondary clues I've just mentioned, lead us to the following results:

  • Rubbers + Ohio leads us to the Johnson Rubber Co., (or the Johnson Bros. Rubber Company) - answer = Johnson

  • Wiseman + Wiseman combine to give us "Wisemen".  Lyndon B. Johnson famously met with the "Wise Men" in 1967 / 8 to discuss the Vietnam war. What I'm less sure of is was this public knowledge in 1969, (when the 340 was created), or is this an indication of the Zodiac's links? Answer = Johnson

  • John Stears - The answer could be "John", but the cipher is not resolving that way so far.

When you add the two "Johnson" answers to the 340 cipher, you end up with...

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 6ec3ce394ca84c6caed6db7bfcdeaade_r

After filling in a few more cipher symbols, which I haven't got time to explain here, but are just furthering the process we've been through so far, you end up with....

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 23bd860dd96e49c980cda6e01f549c17_r

Key Points

You will notice below I've annotated an image that highlights all kinds of points of interest. I could explain them all and many more but I think we have to say here ends the inital post of the 340 cipher Johnson Solution. Trust me, I'd rather be presenting to you the finsihed article, but I haven't had time to progress things that far and to be totally honest, after near 50 years, who know's if things can be resolved to a complete solution.

I do hope that for many this may be an insight into why the 340 has never been cracked, (I'm not sure that's exactly the case myself to be honest). It will hopefully give you "Non-cipher" people the inclination to have a go at furthering what's become more a wordsearch / crossword puzzle than a cipher.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 63288eac89b54480b8e478720e99a615_r
Good luck and watch out for "Johnson" related references within the 340 involving spitfire pilots, wool companies, the Johnson & Johnson founders, etc. Heard of the "dolly Dolly Spy" book and it's follow up, "The Great Spy Race" ? I wonder if Fleming's character Krassno Granitski, aka Donovant Grant / Red Grant is to feature ? If so, a more chilling reference to a ruthless killer you may never read. 

Last edited by Calstock on April 23rd 2017, 12:38 am; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 35
Join date : 2017-01-28

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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by Metal Years April 22nd 2017, 8:25 pm

Calstock wrote:The Zodiac 340 "Johnson Solution"
Suggested resources to follow this solution:

  • A copy of the Zodiac's 340 Cipher

  • A copy of the Zodiac's Halloween Card 

  • The use of Oranchak's excellent cipher "webtoy" - LINK

Where to start?

Firstly I will say straight away, this post will not provide a "complete" solution to the 340 cipher. It does however, (if I'm right), tell you exactly how the 340 is to be cracked and provides you with part of my solution so far derived from this approach. The parts I'm not providing at the time of writing are only elements that I am not yet settled on, along with quite a few clues I have noticed within the cipher that I don't have time to present in this first submission. I'm hoping that readers will find this solution convincing and begin the search for further clues and answers their selves. If they do, they will hopefully find the numerous items I'm yet to list, and it's my biggest hope that they help to find the definitive solution to this near 50 year old cipher puzzle.

Is this all my own work ? Unfortunately yes. I say that because I've been trying for several months to elicit help from various forums / members, to no avail. The aim was to work through this cipher and present the definitive version I referred to. Instead I'm forced to present the cipher solution at a stage where there may well be errors. Only when com
plete, will that be known and I'll hold my hands up to any mistakes I've made so far.

The cipher

Many familiar with the Zodiac case will know of the so called "340 Cipher" the Zodiac sent to local press in November 1969 & the subsequent "Halloween Card" letter he sent in October 1970. I think it's universally accepted the Halloweeen card represented a clue to how the 340 was to be solved. If you're in doubt, hopefully I can convince you that it certainly was sent for that reason, (or at least in part).

I think it's also fair to say that many people don't consider the 340 to be a straight forward substitution cipher, like the Zodiac sent in the form of his "408 Cipher" in July 1969. For one thing the Zodiac says himself, "Sorry no cipher" in the Halloween Card, but more importanly, I think the concensus is the cipher would have been cracked decades ago if it were a cipher of that nature.

The "Johnson Solution" I'm presenting will indeed show you that although the cipher is not set out in a format similar to the 408, it is indeed a substitution cipher, (although I'm no expert and others will have to confirm exactly what it should be called), and that its complexity lies within the multiple levels you need to progress through to reach the solution.


The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 6d1e4619d2e54bb18c26f8d0c7b9549c_r

=The First Step - Study The Halloween Card

Set out in the image below are some of the clues I identified, clues that guided me to the solution I'm presenting.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 40b90f633bf74af99d27ef1be55d8760_r

The key elements here that we need at the start of the journey are Layout shown in the "Paradice / Slaves", which indicates the way in which the 340 needs to be divided and the prescence of the "nine eyes", which I took to be a key clue. The 340 is made up of 17 columns wide and 20 rows deep, I considered that if you formed a 9 x 9 box of cipher symbols, you would automatically end up with a 1 x symbol wide central column, representing the PARADICE column in the Halloween card. 

In further confirmation before we divide up the cipher grid, you will notice the presence of what can easily be considered number 9's in the cipher text. They may well be backward P's as well, but for my part I see them as a confirmation of the 9 x 9 boxes I've been describing. In fact you will notice in two instances, the symbols are used to spell out 9 x 9 !

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution D0047b6513324bd790eacd95f9df316c_r

Indeed, if you follow this approach, (with a bit of judgement as to how to set the 9 x 9 boxes vertically on the cipher grid), you will end up with the following layout:

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 7d6a8ae483be4d2c9d87d44025004c2d_r

What to do next?

Like many things I may be setting out within 
this post, I don't have time to explain each step in complete detail, but suffice to say my next approach was how to select parts of the divided up cipher for "decoding". An approach that first came to mind was to select cipher symbols indicated in rows and columns, following what seemed to me to be very obvious "pointers" in the form of the "V" symbols, (used horizontally and vertically within the 340 cipher). These seemed like contenders for directional arrows although they have one distinct prroblem - The Halloween Card seems to be strongly indicating a diagonal approach to our solution, (look back at it as I don't want to repeat the image).

Shown on the image below are the very obvious up / down & left / right V symbols in the upper left grid panel and the not so obvious diagonal equivalents in the form of L cipher symbols, shown in yellow in the right hand grid panel. It's my belief that it's the diagonal direction ponters that we need to use and although the other pointers may have a secondary purporse, i haven't found it yet.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 8d6555a2f7974dafaa2ddcce8754eb6d_r

Developing This Further

I wonder if some reader will see exactly where this is going by now ...... A WORDSEARCH !

If you work thorough the thirteen, ( YES thirteen!), diagonal directional pointers and select the text using the 9 x 9 boxes as limiters to the extent at which text should be selected, (which by the way is why the grid needed dividing up in the first place - as all lines of cipher symbols would end up being defined by their 340 grid / wall-wall dimensions), then you will end up with the following.....

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution B841132448654e09b8b542cd1d936e09_r

You will notice that we have ended up with thirteeen wordsearch selections, twelve of which I've highlighted in red, the thirteenth I've highlighted in yellow as it's the only one that originates from outside a 9 x grid panel and one that I think may have a special significance.

So there you see the relevance of the thirteen eyes  in the Halloween Card - indicating the thirteen wordsearches. You may also note, (as shown in the image below), the word BOO ! in the Halloween Card forms part of one of our diagonal selections and finally, can you see how the "void space" formed within the 340 grid bears a strong resemblence to the pose of the skeleton on the card ? In fact I think that particular point is best noted without the scruffy red scribbles I've added to the image. 

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 89289c66490c46839d849b83b7d68622_r

How To Start Solving The Wordsearches ?

One absolutely crucial point you need to understand at this point is there is in my opinion, no "void space" or "fillers" within the 340 - every symbol has meaning and function. The wordsearch approach we're taking is simply a method provided to start to crack open the cipher and there will undoubtedly be many messages to find within the whole of the remaining grid.

I will start with something really easy !

I only wish it were so !

We're at one of those points where I said i can't explain every detail, but take it from me, either all or part of the 340 has a "spy theme" on its first level of decryption.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 06cf8ac275be4c3798f8446a673bc10f_r

The "clues" attached to the diagonal wodsearch selection I've selected in the above image, are an indication of the word to be found. In fact this is the exact process to be applied to all following wordsearch puzzles in the 340 cipher.

The clues I've found for this particular word were Rub, Really, easy, fool and "book 9". These and many more, (possibly all), of the wordsearches relate to spy films and novels. in particular to Ian Fleming's James Bond series, (although I have found exceptions). It's interesting to note that one key clue the Halloween Card gave us was "4-Teen". This may well relate to a hidden fourteenth clue as I've mentioned, but there also happens to be exactly fourteen Bond novels ! The "book 9" clue I've found relates to the Novel book, "Thunderball".

If you look at the excerpt below, from the very first paragarph of the novel, (available here ) - all bond books are available free online by the way, you will notice the clues actually refer to a game of Rubber Bridge that Bond was playing, (badly)! So the answer I believe to our first clue is...


The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 1454ba552d9f411ebec9b2b89798adaa_r


Key notes to remember here are that like many novel / film productions, the novel is often very different from the film. Bond movies are no exception and you will find character changes, plot changes, almost to a point beyond recognition between the two. So if you're going to look for clues yourself, bear in mind the fact that you may well have to check both film and book to find the answer you're looking for.

Secondly, as we progress, I hope you will notice that the answers we find will fit the wordsearch spaces, but the cipher symbols won't correlate. Don't let that bother you at this point, because we're merely at stage one of the decoding and all our words are merely a clue to the next stage, (I told you this wasn't easy)!

The second wordsearch answer

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 1ef098ffb1ec4d8bb208df1de64b844a_r

In our second wordsearch selection, we find the clues Doctor, No & Cool. Firstly, the actor who played Dr No was Joseph Wiseman and it's my suggestion that "Wiseman" is the answer to the clues. I said there were exceptions to the spy / Bond theme to these searches and I belive one such departure is the Film Maker Frederick Wiseman. Looking for clues I could see the "FK"  symbols at the bottom of this particular worsearch and this lead me to our second Wiseman", (the reason for which will be apparent later).

You will notice on the image below, what I belive the clue "Cool" relates to - "The Cool World" documentary made by F. Wiseman. I do wonder by the way if the words, "Rumble", Fuzz" & "Junk" have any connection to this case !

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 631cb687de8944499dac03f95d2cf9a8_r

So there we have our second answer - WISEMAN

And thirdly...

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 0291fd8beb564871adeaf19f8921bed0_r

Our third clue in this cluster we'll tackle, gives us the clues, Great Britain, Special Effects, Cow & Book 9.  I also forgot to add Ox to that mix. This leads us to who did the special effects on Thinderball ? John Stears.

I presume you can all see the cow / ox... steer connection? .... or "Stears" in our case.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Bf871ea6270c4c8c89c80d26d5db29f5_r

So there's our third answer - STEARS

Where Now ?

Well I have other answers / possible answers and a whole bunch of other clues & pointers, but this initial post is going to be too long if I go further on this track and I don't want to provide answers that end up being wrong. Therefore the next point I'm going to take you to is directly to stage 2 of this decoding procedure.....

If you think things have been tricky so far, they're going to get more difficult and you're going to need to take an even bigger leap of faith in what I am presenting to you as ...........


It's my contention that the clues within the 340 cipher and some of the Zodiac's other correspondence lead us to one thing; the name "Johnson". What significance this has will be open to debate, but remember also of significance may be the forms, Jonsson, Johanson, John & Jon.

Before we start, what other clues do I refer to ?

  • Did you know the Zodiac Schooner yacht used in San Francisco by the Harbour Authorities was mad by / for the Johnso + Johnson family ?
  • Many have wondered about the link between The Mikado, (featured in some of his correspondence), and the Zodiac. Did you know the Mikado, (search for Johnson + ceramics + Mikado in Google, select images and view tons of the stuff ) ! 

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 872ce1324ddf44768427082eba79c964_r

  • I even wonder whether the Zodiac's "Eureka" letter showing a snowman and a pair of keys, sent in 1990, was a reference of all things to "Ulrika Jonsson" and her co-presenter, "Richard Keys" on a show where she worked as a weather girl ! A bit left- field that one and you'll have to check it out for yourself as I haven't got time in this post to elaborate. Remember though if so, the Zodiac would have to have been watching either British or Swedish TV at the time ???

Johnson Step 1

Firstly I am highlighting the clues within the 340, linked to our three answers so far derived as Lyndon B. Johnson, Ohio, the "John" in John Stears and lastly, what I've long though to be a symbol for the Zodiac himself / their selves in the form of the back-toback J's. These appear in the 340 cipher in two forms; one with a "left eye" and one with a "right eye". I belive this could well indicate a son / father relevance to this case, a brother / brother relationship or some other combination. It could also end up being the duality of the Zodiac's own persona. It's interesting to note as well that this symbol appears, (in my belief), in a simplified form as an "Aries" symbol in the 408 cipher, "Bus Bomb" cipher and the "My name is " cipher.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 8f6ed2373aba4009bf4834bd72fa7f57_r
The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 00b786a448eb464793379fde4ad961d7_r
I believe once combined, the initial "James Bond" clues, combined with the secondary clues I've just mentioned, lead us to the following results:

  • Rubbers + Ohio leads us to the Johnson Rubber Co., (or the Johnson Bros. Rubber Company) - answer = Johnson
  • Wiseman + Wiseman combine to give us "Wisemen".  Lyndon B. Johnson famously met with the "Wise Men" in 1967 / 8 to discuss the Vietnam war. What I'm less sure of is was this public knowledge in 1969, (when the 340 was created), or is this an indication of the Zodiac's links? Answer = Johnson
  • John Stears - The answer could be "John", but the cipher is not resolving that way so far.

When you add the two "Johnson" answers to the 340 cipher, you end up with...

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 6ec3ce394ca84c6caed6db7bfcdeaade_r

After filling in a few more cipher symbols, which I haven't got time to explain here, but are just furthering the process we've been through so far, you end up with....

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 23bd860dd96e49c980cda6e01f549c17_r

Key Points

You will notice below I've annotated an image that highlights all kinds of points of interest. I could explain them all and many more but I think we have to say here ends the inital post of the 340 cipher Johnson Solution. Trust me, I'd rather be presenting to you the finsihed article, but I haven't had time to progress things that far and to be totally honest, after near 50 years, who know's if things can be resolved to a complete solution.

I do hope that for many this may be an insight into why the 340 has never been cracked, (I'm not sure that's exactly the case myself to be honest). It will hopefully give you "Non-cipher" people the inclination to have a go at furthering what's become more a wordsearch / crossword puzzle than a cipher.

The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 63288eac89b54480b8e478720e99a615_r

This may be worth pondering, thanks.

Metal Years

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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by ophion1031 April 22nd 2017, 9:32 pm

Welcome back, Calstock! I think most of the people here enjoyed your previous posts, but there aren't many (if any) "cipher people" on this site. I am interested in the ciphers and I love puzzles, but I am pretty much worthless when it comes to the Zodiac ciphers. They are hard for me to follow and confuse me... but then again, I used to do a ton of LSD so focusing on something is a bit of a challenge for me.

Please keep posting though... Hopefully we get more people on here who can help with this type of thing.

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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by Metal Years April 23rd 2017, 12:34 am

Right on. Maybe Marcello and Doranchuk?

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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by Calstock April 23rd 2017, 12:52 am

Thanks Ophion, you know I've had a roller coaster ride with this case and I haven't handled things brilliantly. I started off like most people, thinking it was an interesting puzzle relating to a 50 yr. old murder case. I soon realised it's far more complex than that to say the least.

Interesting you say you've done LSD, I've never taken any drugs myself but I thought it's said that acid opens up your mind to how the world is connected, (or at least it seems to be when you're on a high). The way the 340 cipher works and it's message as always seemed to me to be one of how everything's connected. In this case through all the people named Johnson. Whether that be President Lyndon B. Johnson, the aviator Amy Johnson, the spitfire pilot Johnnie Johnson, George VI having the code name Mr. Johnson, etc, etc....

Combine that with the Zodiac's correspondence where he refers to "a kid" as "a cid" and "accident" as "accid.", I always thought there was a LSD theme running through is letters and ciphers.

Maybe you can enlighten us to whether you feel from what I've said the 340 seems like a project constructed whilst on LSD? I'm not sure either way if it matters, because I dare say half of California was on something or other in 1969!


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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by ophion1031 April 23rd 2017, 1:47 am

Calstock wrote:Thanks Ophion, you know I've had a roller coaster ride with this case and I haven't handled things brilliantly. I started off like most people, thinking it was an interesting puzzle relating to a 50 yr. old murder case. I soon realised it's far more complex than that to say the least.

Interesting you say you've done LSD, I've never taken any drugs myself but I thought it's said that acid opens up your mind to how the world is connected, (or at least it seems to be when you're on a high). The way the 340 cipher works and it's message as always seemed to me to be one of how everything's connected. In this case through all the people named Johnson. Whether that be President Lyndon B. Johnson, the aviator Amy Johnson, the spitfire pilot Johnnie Johnson, George VI having the code name Mr. Johnson, etc, etc....

Combine that with the Zodiac's correspondence where he refers to "a kid" as "a cid" and "accident" as "accid.", I always thought there was a LSD theme running through is letters and ciphers.

Maybe you can enlighten us to whether you feel from what I've said the 340 seems like a project constructed whilst on LSD? I'm not sure either way if it matters, because I dare say half of California was on something or other in 1969!

I always saw the world differently even before I ever did LSD... Yes, there was a lot of LSD going around the bay area in 1969. I always like to read up on all the different groups and cults that were around there at the time. I suppose it is possible that the 340, and all of the other Zodiac codes, could have been thought up by someone on LSD, but I think that either way, there is a lot to it. I think there are a bunch of things hidden in plain view that, if figured out, provide a way to maybe figure out who was behind the murders, or provide a major clue. I like how you came up with the bomb in Oakland, and I think you may be right about that, but I think there is a lot more to it. I also think there is a good chance that Randall Clemons' findings are accurate, or at least partially, but that it is still just a small piece to the puzzle. If the case is ever solved, I think people will be blown away by how genius the whole thing is. But that is just a hunch. I could be wrong, of course. It could be that one person did all of this and that the 340 is just a bunch of nonsense that was never meant to be solved because it was just a wild goose chase. But... I love the connect the dots theory with the dots on in the 340 and how they fit into the Phillips 66 map.

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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by Calstock April 23rd 2017, 3:03 am

I just had a quick scan through Randall's ideas and they may well hold water. What I do know is the 340 will definitely have meanings beyond the obvious and those dots will either be used as the ending of sentences or for some other reason.

It's no different than the 408 cipher; if people think that rambling message that was uncovered was the final and only thing being presented, they're sadly mistaken. It just needs analysing further to extract the full detail.

I do know the solution I've provided is right on its base level and it's not mutually exclusive of other methods of manipulating the original cipher or of the resultant message(s) from my solution.


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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by ophion1031 April 23rd 2017, 8:44 pm

One thing you and Randall have in common with your work is that you both agree that the 340 should be divided into four sections. I kind of think that on your work, everything outside of the four boxes is supposed to contain a message while everything inside the boxes could be used for other things, meaning that there is no worded message in the boxes but there are other clues; related to the Phillips 66 map (as Randall's work suggests) and probably other things as well.

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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by ophion1031 April 23rd 2017, 8:47 pm

But the 11th line down in the 340 really interests me. It looks like there is something there... something being said, that is. And someone on another site had a theory about that. Let me see if I can find it.....

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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by ophion1031 April 23rd 2017, 8:48 pm

Here it is:
The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution 340_pt11

Rand posted this idea on Morf's site...
"First part:
YOU ARE (everything after backslash is backwards) TO DIE BY and you see BOM (the backslash = B), so BOMB. T9K (TIK)"

"This was a clue in my opinion about how to solve the puzzle. Also the MY NAME IS cipher was a clue: "By the way have you solved the last cipher I sent you? My Name is --"
"Then it's MY NAME KANE as a anagram. It's a clue: the cipher is really an anagram."

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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by Eldorado May 11th 2017, 12:47 pm

U R E I D Y T O D I E B Y M K ?

+/o  Yes or No?


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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by Calstock May 11th 2017, 2:06 pm

Personally I don't know if the U/R line has any meaning if read just as the line itself. I do know the 340 consists of at least four levels of complexity;

1.  4 x panels of 9 x 9 rows / columns that lead to 13 "wordsearch" puzzles, based initially on the Ian Fleming James Bond novels and movies. Note: There were 14 novels, all available at the time, but only 4 movies.

2. The Bond clues all have a meaning in themselves, but they also lead to the second level relating to the Johnson, Johanson, John and Jon names.

3. The Bond clues and other clues within the 340 also instruct us to cut up, (crack), the 340 into a series of sections of code, that when rearranged lead to more information.

4. Clues within the code also instruct us to fold the cipher page in its present form, to further reveal other information.

Personally, I'd be more than happy if the number remains at four because the damned thing's complicated enough as it is.


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The Zodiac 340 Cipher  Johnson Solution Empty Re: The Zodiac 340 Cipher Johnson Solution

Post by sandy betts December 5th 2017, 8:51 am

I also believe that we are making it harder than what it really is and that the clues are in plain site. Of course the very start of the 340 are the first three letters of the last name of my suspect. (Hernandez) the bottom line looks like the word Zodiac. I think that the nan and the dez are in there and that along with the bottom line ,will say something like: Hernandez the Zodiac. Or I am nandez the Zodiac ( then adding the the first three letters at the top HER making it: I am Hernandez the Zodiac. I was able to do the my name cypher "without" changing any symbols , to R Hernandez. ( leaving out the 3 8's)

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